Everett Medical Answering Services

As a healthcare professional, you understand the frustration and uneasiness of someone who needs urgent medical assistance and can only reach voicemail at their doctor's office. You do not want your patients feeling experiencing that stress.
A 24/7 medical answering service will allow your patients and their families to get in touch with you any time they need to. But who should you work with?
ABS Communications, Inc. is the trusted name for medical answering services in the Everett, WA area. can help. We are the foremost providers of medical answering services giving you live operators who become your virtual receptionist.
We offer phone answering service for your healthcare facility that suits your particular requirements. A doctor answering service will handle your inbound and outbound calls:
- During lunch break
- After the normal business hours
- Over the weekends and holidays
Everett Doctor Answering Service

Customer care and customer service are critical to the survival and success of almost every business. However, gracious and caring customer support is paramount in the medical sector.
Working with medical answering services is the ideal solution for healthcare centers and physicians to ensure that their patients encounter helpful, compassionate, live operators instead of a computerized response, no matter what time of day they call.
We are proud to offer highly professional doctor answering service in the Everett area through technicians who:
- Are well-trained in handling medical calls
- Work as per answering service protocol custom-designed for every client
- Have excellent communication skills
- Are alert, resourceful and friendly
Our doctor answering service lets the users enjoy non-stop patient connectivity without incurring the steep cost of maintaining a 24/7 staff.
Subscribing to our doctor answering service also helps medical offices save time on front office activities by having the low priority calls and wrong numbers filtered by our operators.
Everett Phone Answering Service

We have been providing medical answering services since 1989 and have established a stellar reputation. From the very first day, we have strived to deliver the best phone answering service to all Everett physicians and medical facilities that hire us.
There are many factors that make our phone answering service exceptional. These include:
- HIPAA compliant medical answering services
- Affordable phone answering service pricing
- Cutting-edge infrastructure for healthcare answering service
- Power backup for redundant physicians answering service
ABS Communications, Inc. is the #1 choice for doctor answering service around Everett. Call (206) 368-0335 for more information about our medical phone answering service.